Mortgages: Moving Home


Cox & Co Estate agent in Edinburgh, Scotland. Two stacks of coins, each topped with a small house-shaped token. One house is green with a white label, and the other is red with a white label. The coins are arranged to form two columns, much like the financial pillars managed by a mortgage broker, with the green house column slightly taller than the red house column.

Moving home can be a stressful endeavour, but knowing you have the best possible mortgage product for your new home gives you one less thing to worry about. That’s where we come in.

Cox & Co are whole of market, independent mortgage brokers regulated by the FCA. That means we have access to mortgage products from across the entire market, including preferential rates not available to the general public. This puts us in an ideal position to find the product and rate most suited to your personal circumstances.

At Cox & Co, we can provide professional mortgage advice relating to every type of Moving Home mortgage. Our qualified advisors are able to break down the details of each specific product, and find a Moving Home mortgage that is tailored to meet your own requirements.

We provide free advice, so why not find out what we can offer you? Pick up the phone to our Aberdeen or Edinburgh office now and book a free, no obligation meeting with one of our qualified advisors. Alternatively, complete the contact form opposite and we’ll get back to your query as soon as possible.

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